2023/01/31 14:33:15--(MySQl Query Error) Update InternetCustomer set InternetCustomer_Week='W05', InternetCustomer_Date='2023-01-19', InternetCustomer_Cate='', InternetCustomer_Staff='', InternetCustomer_Area='', InternetCustomer_Career='', InternetCustomer_InCharge='', InternetCustomer_ContactType='', InternetCustomer_Schedule='', InternetCustomer_Company='', InternetCustomer_Contact='', InternetCustomer_Phone='', InternetCustomer_Email='', InternetCustomer_TaxID='', InternetCustomer_Responsible='', InternetCustomer_CapitalAmount='0', InternetCustomer_Demand='', InternetCustomer_IsUsed='', InternetCustomer_IsOther='', InternetCustomer_IsDate='', InternetCustomer_LastContact='', InternetCustomer_FailureReason='', InternetCustomer_City='', InternetCustomer_District='', InternetCustomer_ZipCode='', InternetCustomer_Address='', InternetCustomer_UpdateUser='149', InternetCustomer_UpdateDate='2023-01-31 14:33:15' where InternetCustomer_Id='677' --2 2023/02/09 09:34:29--(MySQl Query Error) Update InternetCustomer set InternetCustomer_Week='W06', InternetCustomer_Date='2023-02-08', InternetCustomer_Cate='2', InternetCustomer_Staff='149', InternetCustomer_Area='1', InternetCustomer_Career='', InternetCustomer_InCharge='3', InternetCustomer_ContactType='0', InternetCustomer_Schedule='', InternetCustomer_Company='宇慶有限公司/尚椿貿易有限公司', InternetCustomer_Contact='吳小姐', InternetCustomer_Phone='02-25590058 分機206', InternetCustomer_Email='', InternetCustomer_TaxID='89458037/24316514', InternetCustomer_Responsible='羅文孝/吳素美', InternetCustomer_CapitalAmount='10,000,000/12,000,000', InternetCustomer_Demand='我們想詢問ERP系統相關資訊 公司是傳統五金要拓展電商 請問可否進一步詢問? 謝謝!', InternetCustomer_IsUsed='', InternetCustomer_IsOther='', InternetCustomer_IsDate=Null, InternetCustomer_LastContact=Null, InternetCustomer_FailureReason='', InternetCustomer_City='', InternetCustomer_District='', InternetCustomer_ZipCode='', InternetCustomer_Address='臺北市萬華區環河南路2段209號', InternetCustomer_UpdateUser='149', InternetCustomer_UpdateDate='2023-02-09 09:34:29' where InternetCustomer_Id='724' --2 2023/02/09 09:34:35--(MySQl Query Error) Update InternetCustomer set InternetCustomer_Week='W06', InternetCustomer_Date='2023-02-08', InternetCustomer_Cate='2', InternetCustomer_Staff='149', InternetCustomer_Area='1', InternetCustomer_Career='', InternetCustomer_InCharge='3', InternetCustomer_ContactType='0', InternetCustomer_Schedule='', InternetCustomer_Company='宇慶有限公司/尚椿貿易有限公司', InternetCustomer_Contact='吳小姐', InternetCustomer_Phone='02-25590058 分機206', InternetCustomer_Email='', InternetCustomer_TaxID='89458037/24316514', InternetCustomer_Responsible='羅文孝/吳素美', InternetCustomer_CapitalAmount='10,000,000/12,000,000', InternetCustomer_Demand='我們想詢問ERP系統相關資訊 公司是傳統五金要拓展電商 請問可否進一步詢問? 謝謝!', InternetCustomer_IsUsed='', InternetCustomer_IsOther='', InternetCustomer_IsDate=Null, InternetCustomer_LastContact=Null, InternetCustomer_FailureReason='', InternetCustomer_City='', InternetCustomer_District='', InternetCustomer_ZipCode='', InternetCustomer_Address='臺北市萬華區環河南路2段209號', InternetCustomer_UpdateUser='149', InternetCustomer_UpdateDate='2023-02-09 09:34:35' where InternetCustomer_Id='724' --2 2023/06/01 11:03:48--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2023/06/01 11:03:48--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2023/06/01 11:03:48--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2023/06/01 11:03:48--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2023/06/01 11:03:51--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2023/08/01 11:08:10--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2023/08/01 11:08:10--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2023/08/01 11:08:10--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2023/08/01 11:08:10--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2023/08/01 11:08:10--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2023/08/07 10:54:16--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2023/10/01 11:00:09--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2023/10/09 04:35:55--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2023/10/19 03:50:17--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2023/10/19 11:33:07--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2023/10/19 16:32:02--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2023/10/19 16:34:18--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2023/10/19 17:10:47--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2023/10/19 17:40:58--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2023/10/19 18:59:48--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2023/10/19 19:58:56--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2023/10/19 20:27:55--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2023/10/19 21:22:20--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2023/10/23 15:41:59--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2023/10/23 20:34:18--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2023/12/01 10:42:56--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2023/12/01 10:42:57--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2023/12/01 10:42:57--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2023/12/01 10:43:02--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2023/12/01 10:44:36--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2023/12/01 10:44:38--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2023/12/01 10:44:38--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2023/12/01 10:44:39--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2023/12/01 10:44:39--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2023/12/01 10:44:39--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2023/12/01 10:44:40--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2023/12/01 10:44:40--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2023/12/01 10:44:40--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2023/12/01 10:44:41--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2023/12/01 10:44:49--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2023/12/01 10:45:01--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2023/12/01 10:55:12--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2023/12/01 10:55:12--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2023/12/01 10:55:12--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2023/12/25 17:20:22--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2023/12/25 17:48:35--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2023/12/25 18:04:00--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2023/12/25 18:40:11--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2023/12/26 00:13:03--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2023/12/26 00:23:13--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2023/12/26 00:52:10--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2023/12/26 04:37:10--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2023/12/26 05:58:04--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2023/12/26 10:51:46--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2023/12/26 12:15:07--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2023/12/26 16:34:33--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2024/01/31 10:01:03--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/01/31 10:05:22--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/01/31 10:05:23--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/01/31 10:05:23--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/01/31 22:36:31--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/01/31 22:38:57--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/01/31 22:39:00--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/02/01 07:34:10--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/02/01 11:13:14--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/02/27 17:53:54--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2024/02/28 00:45:42--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2024/02/28 00:54:29--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/02/28 00:57:25--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2024/02/28 00:57:29--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2024/02/28 00:57:34--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2024/02/28 01:08:29--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/02/28 01:08:53--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2024/02/28 01:08:57--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2024/02/28 01:09:01--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2024/02/28 01:14:34--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2024/02/28 01:14:46--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2024/02/28 01:16:25--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2024/02/28 01:16:37--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2024/02/28 01:42:44--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/02/28 03:05:37--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2024/02/28 03:19:04--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2024/02/28 05:44:42--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2024/02/28 08:16:34--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2024/02/28 09:48:53--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2024/02/28 10:48:42--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2024/02/28 11:42:29--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2024/02/28 13:02:06--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2024/02/28 17:27:00--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/05/01 05:47:29--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2024/05/01 06:39:37--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2024/05/01 07:53:35--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2024/05/01 10:30:28--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2024/05/01 10:37:04--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/05/01 17:11:37--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2024/05/01 19:34:28--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2024/05/01 20:06:36--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2024/05/01 20:17:01--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2024/05/01 21:35:55--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2024/05/01 23:52:11--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/05/02 01:38:52--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2024/06/01 10:03:49--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/06/01 10:03:49--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/06/01 10:03:49--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/06/01 10:03:50--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/06/01 11:41:33--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/06/01 11:41:35--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/06/01 11:41:35--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/06/01 11:41:36--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/07/01 18:11:12--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2024/07/01 19:28:27--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/07/01 22:12:23--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2024/07/01 22:20:12--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2024/07/01 22:28:56--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2024/07/02 01:44:09--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2024/07/02 02:25:45--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2024/07/02 03:46:37--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2024/07/02 03:51:36--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2024/07/02 04:32:20--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2024/07/02 10:16:37--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2024/07/02 10:55:04--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/08/04 04:02:42--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2024/08/04 04:05:50--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2024/08/04 04:07:12--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2024/08/04 04:07:15--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2024/08/04 04:07:21--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2024/08/04 04:08:52--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2024/08/04 04:08:54--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2024/08/04 04:09:00--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2024/08/04 04:09:58--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2024/08/04 04:13:17--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2024/08/04 04:47:06--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/08/04 05:13:35--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/09/03 11:25:19--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/09/03 12:42:44--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2024/09/03 16:03:26--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/09/03 16:14:48--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2024/09/03 18:05:17--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2024/09/03 18:49:29--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2024/09/03 21:05:23--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2024/09/03 22:16:04--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2024/09/03 22:56:04--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2024/09/03 23:28:30--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2024/09/04 00:02:20--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2024/09/04 01:03:53--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2024/10/01 10:01:03--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/11/03 15:55:34--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2024/11/03 17:37:40--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2024/11/03 18:53:51--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2024/11/03 19:02:02--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2024/11/03 21:29:34--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/11/04 00:28:30--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2024/11/04 00:48:00--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/11/04 01:34:10--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2024/11/04 02:36:50--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2024/11/04 05:24:22--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2024/11/04 07:18:35--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2024/11/04 07:53:45--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2024/12/01 10:01:26--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/12/01 10:01:27--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/12/01 10:01:27--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/12/01 10:01:54--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2024/12/16 04:30:57--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2024/12/16 04:31:12--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2024/12/16 04:31:16--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2024/12/16 04:31:21--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2025/01/04 18:32:03--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2025/01/04 20:37:24--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2025/01/04 21:19:27--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2025/01/04 21:52:14--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2025/01/05 00:42:27--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2025/01/05 02:09:13--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2025/01/05 03:04:32--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2025/01/05 04:19:11--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2025/01/05 05:06:09--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2025/01/05 05:29:29--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2025/01/05 07:39:43--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2025/01/05 08:18:22--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2025/01/06 13:11:52--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2025/01/06 13:11:57--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2025/01/06 13:11:58--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2025/01/06 13:12:01--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2025/01/06 13:12:05--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2025/01/06 13:27:22--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2025/01/18 16:31:16--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2025/01/18 16:35:50--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2025/01/20 15:50:00--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2025/01/20 15:50:03--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2025/01/20 15:50:05--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2025/01/20 15:50:36--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2025/02/01 21:06:54--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2025/02/01 21:09:39--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2025/02/01 21:09:41--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2025/02/01 21:12:11--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2025/02/01 21:12:15--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2025/02/01 21:44:11--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2025/02/01 21:44:14--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2025/02/01 21:44:19--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2025/02/01 22:14:12--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2025/02/01 22:14:15--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2025/02/01 22:14:20--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2025/02/05 16:38:28--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2025/02/05 16:38:29--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2025/02/05 16:39:50--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2025/02/05 16:39:54--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2025/02/05 16:39:55--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2025/02/05 16:39:56--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2025/02/05 17:01:00--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2025/02/05 17:01:03--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2025/02/05 17:01:05--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2025/02/05 17:01:08--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2025/02/05 17:01:14--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2025/02/05 17:01:16--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2025/02/08 07:41:37--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2025/02/08 11:03:37--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2025/02/08 12:43:32--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2025/02/08 14:29:59--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2025/02/08 14:33:52--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2025/02/08 16:17:00--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2025/02/08 21:54:40--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2025/02/09 01:30:23--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2025/02/09 01:33:08--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2025/02/09 01:46:15--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2025/02/09 03:06:57--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2025/02/09 03:08:30--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2025/02/15 18:23:41--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2025/02/15 18:23:43--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2025/02/15 18:23:51--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2025/02/15 18:24:01--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2025/02/15 18:24:02--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2025/02/15 18:24:03--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2025/02/15 18:27:28--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2025/02/15 18:27:29--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2025/02/15 18:27:33--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2025/02/15 18:31:19--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2025/02/15 18:31:21--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2025/02/15 18:31:22--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2025/02/25 11:57:15--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2025/02/25 11:57:27--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2025/02/25 11:57:34--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2025/02/25 11:57:40--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2025/02/25 11:57:42--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2025/02/25 12:00:42--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2025/02/25 12:00:43--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2025/02/25 12:00:44--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2025/02/25 12:00:45--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2025/02/25 12:00:48--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2025/02/25 12:00:49--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2025/02/26 13:22:27--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2025/03/03 13:51:49--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2025/03/03 14:32:09--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2025/03/03 14:32:13--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2025/03/03 14:32:17--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2025/03/03 14:52:13--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2025/03/03 14:53:41--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2025/03/03 16:01:53--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2025/03/03 16:18:05--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2025/03/03 16:21:21--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2025/03/03 16:21:25--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2025/03/03 16:21:29--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2025/03/03 16:28:37--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2025/03/06 08:59:14--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2025/03/06 16:32:08--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2025/03/06 16:53:57--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2025/03/06 17:07:14--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2025/03/06 17:07:17--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2025/03/06 17:17:06--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2025/03/06 17:55:59--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2025/03/06 18:10:57--(MySQl Query Error) select LINEMSG_MSG from LINEMSG where LINEMSG_UserId='U4ddbfe17aedbc6e33cde05f5e3048b1a' and LINEMSG_Send='1' --2 2025/03/06 18:12:55--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2025/03/06 19:38:04--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2025/03/06 20:11:27--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2025/03/06 22:08:58--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='1' --2 2025/03/06 22:42:34--(MySQl Query Error)select * from VerUpd where 1=1 order by VerUpd_id desc --2 2025/03/06 22:55:54--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2025/03/06 23:36:32--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='2' --2 2025/03/07 00:06:14--(MySQl Query Error)select * from ThirdInfo where ThirdInfo_Cate='3' --2 2025/03/07 00:13:48--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2 2025/03/07 00:20:09--(MySQl Query Error) select count(*) as total from VerSys where 1=1 --2